Slicing Golf Shots: Reasons and How to Eliminate It

Golfers always strive to improve their scores. It can be a frustrating experience when you keep getting a slice in your shots. Slicing is a common golf swing problem that affects most golfers, and it can be challenging to get rid of. So, why is solving a slice a key element to improving golf scores? When you slice, your ball drifts to the right of your target, ending up in the rough, hazards or out of bounds. These missed shots can lead to costly penalties, increasing your scores. In this article, we will explore the reasons why you could be slicing and how to eliminate the slice to help you improve your golf scores.

Why Golfers Slice

Golfers slice for different reasons, but one common cause is the improper swing path. When you develop an outside-in swing path, you scoop the ball and create spin that makes it veer to the right. Also, poor grip and incorrect body alignment can cause slicing. A weak grip where the hands are turned too far to the left for right-handed golfers can result in an open clubface, causing the ball to slice. Improper body alignment can also cause an open clubface. Addressing these causes will significantly help in eliminating the slice.

A significant step in fixing slicing is the correct grip. The grip is critical; it determines how your clubface hits the ball. A neutral grip where your hands are evenly positioned on the grip with the V’s between the thumb and forefinger pointing to your right shoulder can help square your clubface at impact. Moreover, to correct an outside-in swing, you need to attack the ball from the inside. This change enables you to sweep the ball, instead of scooping or slicing it. Consequently, this helps reduce side spin and helps to eliminate the slice.

Another tip for eliminating the slice is the correct body alignment. Correct body alignment ensures that your clubface hits the ball straight. Your feet, hips, and shoulders need to be square to your target line. For right-handed golfers, your feet, and shoulders must be parallel to your target line, with your hips slightly open. Addressing these alignment challenges will improve your swing path and help eliminate slicing.

Practice is another essential element in fixing slicing. You need to practice regularly with a purpose to improve your game. Furthermore, consider using clubs with a balanced weight distribution from heel to toe. Clubs with balanced weight distribution can help square your clubface, reducing chances of slicing.

How an Open Club Face Affects a Golf Shot

You must be aware that the clubface plays a vital role in determining the direction and spin of the golf ball. The position of the clubface at impact has a huge impact on the overall outcome of the shot. One of the most common issues is an open clubface that causes the ball to slice or lose distance.

An open clubface is when the face is pointing to the right of the target at impact. As a result, the ball will curve to the right for right-handed golfers and to the left for left-handed golfers. This issue occurs due to an improper grip or takeaway, leading the clubface to open up during the downswing. The open clubface is a common issue among golfers, particularly beginners.

One of the most significant impacts of an open clubface is that it causes a massive loss of distance. In most cases, the ball will fly straight for a shorter distance and eventually slice off course. An open clubface also makes it challenging to control the ball’s spin, and you may struggle to hit the ball low or high as per your requirements.

Fortunately, there are several ways to fix an open clubface. First, as mentioned above, you need to ensure that you have a proper grip on the club. Your grip should not be too tight or too loose, and your hands should be aligned correctly on the club. Additionally, you should work on improving your takeaway, ensuring that the clubface stays square throughout the backswing.

Another effective way to fix an open clubface is by adjusting your stance. Try moving your front foot slightly towards the target to encourage an inside-out swing path. This adjustment will help you ensure that the clubface squares up with the ball during impact. However, it would help if you were careful not to move your clubhead too far in front of the hands, as it can cause an entirely new problem, i.e., a closed clubface.

Lastly, you can use training aids such as impact tape or alignment sticks to help you maintain a square clubface. Impact tape leaves a mark on the clubface at impact, allowing you to see whether your clubface is open or closed. Alignment sticks help you aim your shots and ensure that your clubface stays on target throughout the swing.


Solving the slice is a key element to improving your golf scores. With these tips, you can correct the improper swing path, improper grip, and body alignment that could be causing the slice. Remember to practice regularly and have a routine with your coach. Watch your swing path, grip, and body alignment to ensure they are correct. By implementing these suggestions, over time, you will make changes that will significantly impact your golf game by eliminating the slice and reducing your scores.

In conclusion, an open clubface is a common issue among golfers, but it can be fixed by addressing your grip, takeaway, and stance. It is essential to work on your swing technique to ensure that your clubface stays square to your target during impact. You can also use training aids to help you maintain a square clubface. With enough practice and patience, you will be able to rectify your swing and hit more consistent shots.

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